Ernest Millsap
Tim Kovel
Lida Mills
Vicky Moxley
Dominic Misasi
Larry Rice
Jorea Touranjeau
John O’Connell has been the Village Attorney for Hodgkins since 1980. He and his wife Celeste, have resided in Indian Head Park since 1991. Prior to his assignment as Village Attorney he served 4 terms in the Illinois House of Representatives. During his tenure he guided the Village through the creation of a Tax Increment Finance District (“TIF”) that resulted in the Quarry Shopping Center and the Development of several large retail locations including Menards and Continental Toyota. In coordination with the Village of McCook he also introduced an Enterprise Zone that has brought into the Village United Parcel Service and a thriving industrial community. His work on behalf of Hodgkins has made it an economic power house.
The McCook-Hodgkins Park District opened in 1950. This was the main interest of the children of the village. Activities and games kept them busy and out of trouble. As the town grew, so did the Park District. In 1985, the Park District split from McCook and became the Hodgkins Park Center.